Unleash the Superhero within your child

Did you know this about school children?
Look at the bevy of school children and try identifying superheroes within them, search meticulously, because they are the masters of disguise and have gone this far with, the same uniform, like all others, they all wear the same smile. Usually quiet and shy to avoid the embarrassment of being helpless, they sit on a corner bench in their classroom to hide tears week in and week out.
They believe some superhero from the silver screen with cowl and cape will come to their rescue unfortunately, no one comes to their aid against the abuses, punches, and kicks of bullies, they are strong and more courageous than any superhero because they survive all this without any superpowers.
Now is the time to make these children their own knights in shining armors, to bestow them with their own superpowers from the master who trains School children and Super Heroes alike.
The same master, who selflessly put his life on the line and bravely rescued 4 American nationals, from the Taj hotel, during the gruesome, Mumbai terrorist attacks of 26/11. For this courageous act, he was awarded a commendation letter by the Hon. Al Gore, former Vice-President of USA.
Dedicated MMA trainer specializing in Karate, Judo, Kudo, Taekwondo, Kickboxing, Muay Thai and Jujutsu
Planned Annual curriculum for each class (1st grade to 10th grade)
Once/twice a week within P.T. period
Competent students to be trained before/after school for DSO tournaments in school premises.
Students can avail 25 grace sports marks for participation in DSO State / SGFI National competitions.
Free Martial Arts uniforms for All Students.
Free Equipments: Mats, Kicking Shields, Punching Pads, etc
1 dedicated MMA trainer who can also help with school's other extra-curricular activities & proxy periods
Free training for students through RTE quota / EBC students
Free Self Defense training with certificate for teaching and non-teaching staff (4 classes)
Additional visibility to school via participation in inter school, state, national & DSO tournaments (Karate, Judo, Kudo, Taekwondo)