What will you learn with us in Krav Maga/Self Defense?
To kick, punch, use elbows, knees, head butts, fight one or several opponents, close quarters combat, and defenses against knives, sticks guns, you will also learn how to make household stuff into deadly weapons.
The self defense program has been developed taking into consideration the short comings of traditional martial-arts, the program is time tested, and obsolete techniques are discarded.
What makes this program unique is its study and use of pressure points (weak links) in the human anatomy, techniques specifically designed, to target, easy to reach pressure points, produce devastating results, if used, relatively little or no strength is required to use these techniques, making them ideal for children, women and the elderly.
The training is situation oriented and not Dojo-Gym based, you are trained and tested not only in a class-studio, but also at all those places where one is most likely to be attacked, eg. Empty parking lots, elevators, staircases, dark alleys etc, the timing of the training is also different. For the successful completion of the program, one needs to complete an obstacle course, which takes the trainee through several situations of attacks at various locations.
This type of Adrenaline induced stress response training or AISRT, boster ones confidence for real life challenges.
The success of this program lies in its curriculum, and strategies which cover all aspects of basic armed and unarmed combat against individuals and mobs, while keeping in mind the time, strength and fitness constraints of individuals.
So far Hanshi Mehul Vora has trained over 47000 women absolutely free of cost at the Women's Self Defense Center (WSDC), an Initiative by Akshay Kumar, Aditya Thackeray & Mehul Vora