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Seibukan Jujutsu is a traditional martial art form derived from Daitoryu, Hakko Ryu, Aikido, Ninjutsu and several schools of MMA,
Brazilian jiu-jitsu is a martial art and combat sport system that focuses on grappling and especially ground fighting. Brazilian jiu-jitsu was formed from Kodokan judo ground fighting (newaza) fundamentals that were taught by a number of individuals including Takeo Yano, Mitsuyo Maeda and Soshihiro Satake.
BJJ promotes the concept that a smaller, weaker person can successfully defend themselves or another against a bigger, stronger, heavier assailant by using proper technique, leverage, and most notably, taking the fight to the ground, and then applying joint locks and choke holds to defeat the opponent.
Seibukan Jujutsu of India is a member of Seibukan Jujutsu Japan