DEKITI-TIRSIA-SIRADAS KALI is a school of Filipino armed and unarmed fighting, it is a unique system of all Filipino art as it transcends from blades, to sticks to unarmed combat. It is identified with Kali in its philosophy and cultural forms with identity in its genetical values manifested in the physical and intellectual faculties as observed and found in the ability and skill of DEKITI-TIRSIA-SIRADAS.
Hidden in secret for several hundred years, the forefathers who hold the brains of the technology, practiced and preserved the system that made possible for the later generations to be recipient of those technical knowledge and made possible to be propagated far and wide to four corners of the world.
DEKITI-TIRSIA-SIRADAS SYSTEM – is one of the live original fighting art in the Philippines.
DEKITI – meaning malapit, very tightly close, cornered in an area, to close in, devastate the enemy. Tear apart nothing left.
TIRSIA – meaning GuasaWalaorsaTu-o or quartering in fighting, “Pasulod” or push the enemy to a corner or area in a three corner sides preventing him to escape or runaway from multiple deadly blows and thrust.
SIRADAS –meaning stop to get in or stop him to penetrate in any angle of attack.
DEKITI-TIRSIA-SIRADAS SYSTEM was a formation of intellectual expertise of the Tortal’s brothers namely: Conrado, Balbino, Francisco, Teodorico, along with their father Segundito and great grandfather Norberto. Those were the pillars of the DEKITI-TIRSIA-SIRADAS SYSTEM family. System now survived by Grand Master Jerson (Nene) P. Tortal and his son Jerson E. Tortal Jr.
DEKITI-TIRSIA-SIRADAS SYSTEM made a legendary history in the martial arts world. The Dekiti-Tirsia-Siradas System known as the safety baton and surviving edge weapon was the most accepted system as a liability factor saver for Law Enforcement, Military, Security and Executives.
DEKITI-TIRSIA-SIRADAS India is headed by its India director Hanshi Mehul Vora who isa certified level 3 instructor of the system and a personal student of Grandmaster Jerson E Tortal Jr.
At present it is used by many law enforcement and military agencies such as the NYPD, (JUSMAG) Joint United States Military Assistance Group of the U.S. Embassy in Manila and the Philippine Army Counter Intelligence.
DTS India conducts regular course for police, paramilitary, military and security forces.
Regular classes are also conducted in edged weapons, blunt weapons, armed and unarmed closed quarters combat for civilians in 31 states of India.