Born on 12/06/1972
I am Learning martial arts since 34 years.
I had many experiences & learnt good techniques from many masters.
Discipline, Strength, Power, Speed & Meditation are outcomes of martial arts.
For a trainer it is difficult to say which is his best technique & for an Instructor all techniques are best to teach.
My Martial Arts History:
- Started Karate under Budokan International banner , in year 1984 & continued training till Shodan in 1988.
- Received Nidan 1992
- Received Sandan 1997
- Received Yondan 2004
- Received Godan 2007
- Received Godan under Nippon Budo Sogo International India in 2014
- Received Renshi Title in 2014
- Received Nidan under Kudo International Federation in 2015
- Received Sandan under Kudo International Federation in 2016
- Achieved many laurels at District, State, National & International level since from 1993 to 2011
My life's best days started when I joined Kudo & NBSII under Soshihan Mehul Vora.
I am Presently Teaching MMA, Kudo, Goju Ryu, Shotokan & other styles under Soshihan Mehul Vora.